Spain: Europe’s Mediterranean Tourist Hotspot

Europe - Spain

Modern-day air travel has opened several countries to mass tourism. Spain is a country that has firmly staked its claim to the title of Europe’s Mediterranean tourist hotspot owing to its perpetually sunny weather and proximity to major European cities like London, Berlin, and Paris. A maximum 2-hour flight from such places takes you to the lovely climate of Spain and its great resorts.

While it is the Spanish coastline that gets most of the tourist traffic, Spain has much more than that to offer. This nation was known for its exploration, especially to Central and South America, and the wealth it amassed is evident in many of Spain’s fine cities. It was also under the rule of the Moors in the centuries before that age of discovery, and Moorish history and culture add another dimension to Spain.

There are 3 main ‘’Costas’’ in Spain, Costa Blanca, Costa Brava, and Costa del Sol in the extreme south. Each has its favorites while the Balearic Islands off the east coast have also become extremely popular with those seeking a suntan and warm seas. Add Spanish cuisine, and international cuisine of all kinds that is readily available and Spain can expect to retain the title of Europe’s Mediterranean tourist hotspot for many years to come.